1 R language
This part includes basic & adavanced, elegant & crazy, and three reason I like R best: - convenient to share code by R package - automatically report with R markdown - wonderful packages for data manipulation and visualization
1.1 when I use <-
- function definition
- initialize varible, especially when definition is far from first usage (initialize means you create the varible only once)
foobar(...) <- value
, though it’s okay to use=
, but modifing arguments using function is rare in R, so use<-
can help you remind what you are doing and be consistency with how the function is defined
1.3 install packages
looks good, however, this only works package-wise, i,e, dependency packages still use the default Bioconductor version 1.
should keep clean, which makes it very convenient to update or reinstall R./usr/lib/R/site-library
is useful when there are many users, and they all need many common packages. 2/usr/local/lib/R/site-library
should be removed 3.- user library, I prefer to use
4, although RStudio’s default is/home/${USER}/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.4
At the time of this writing,
would use Bioconductor 3.8↩︎Another example is a server with Shiny Server installed. There
may need some packages for Shiny apps hosted. And the normal user can also use these packages, although he may not need.↩︎I get duplicated packages when I use