22 Case study: mapply() vs pmap()


It’s useful to compare mapply() to purrr::pmap(). They both are an attempt to solve a similar problem, extending lapply()/map() to handle iterating over any number of arguments.

#> function (FUN, ..., MoreArgs = NULL, SIMPLIFY = TRUE, USE.NAMES = TRUE) 
#> function (.l, .f, ...) 
x <- c("apple", "banana", "cherry")
pattern <- c("p", "n", "h")
replacement <- c("x", "f", "q")

mapply(gsub, pattern, replacement, x)
#>        p        n        h 
#>  "axxle" "bafafa" "cqerry"

mapply(gsub, pattern, replacement, x)
#>        p        n        h 
#>  "axxle" "bafafa" "cqerry"
purrr::pmap_chr(list(pattern, replacement, x), gsub)
#> [1] "axxle"  "bafafa" "cqerry"

Here we’ll ignore simplify = TRUE which makes mapply() type-unstable by default. I’ll also ignore USE.NAMES = TRUE which isn’t just about using names, but about using character vector input as names for output. I think it’s reused from lapply() without too much thought as it’s only the names of the first argument that matter.

mapply(toupper, letters[1:3])
#>   a   b   c 
#> "A" "B" "C"
mapply(toupper, letters[1:3], USE.NAMES = FALSE)
#> [1] "A" "B" "C"
mapply(toupper, setNames(letters[1:3], c("X", "Y", "Z")))
#>   X   Y   Z 
#> "A" "B" "C"

pmap_chr(list(letters[1:3]), toupper)
#> [1] "A" "B" "C"

mapply() takes the function to apply as the first argument, followed by an arbitrary number of arguments to pass to the function. This makes it different to the other apply() functions (including lapply(), sapply() and tapply()), which take the data as the first argument. mapply() could take ... as the first arguments, but that would force FUN to always be named, which would also make it inconsistent with the other apply() functions.

pmap() avoids this problem by taking a list of vectors, rather than individual vectors in .... This allows pmap() to use ... for another purpose, instead of the MoreArg argument (a list), pmap() passes ... on to .f.

mapply(gsub, pattern, replacement, x, fixed = TRUE)
#>        p        n        h 
#>  "axxle" "bafafa" "cqerry"
purrr::pmap_chr(list(pattern, replacement, x), gsub, fixed = TRUE)
#> [1] "axxle"  "bafafa" "cqerry"

There’s a subtle difference here that doesn’t matter in most cases - in the mapply() fixed is recycled to the same length as pattern whereas it is not pmap(). TODO: figure out example where that’s more clear.

(Also note that pmap() uses the . prefix to avoid the problem described in Chapter 20.)