9 Case study: setNames()

9.1 What does setNames() do?

stats::setNames() is a shorthand that allows you to set vector names inline (it’s a little surprising that it lives in the stats package). It has a simple definition:

setNames <- function(object = nm, nm) {
  names(object) <- nm

And is easy to use:

# Instead of
x <- 1:3
names(x) <- c("a", "b", "c")

# Can write
x <- setNames(1:3, c("a", "b", "c"))
#> a b c 
#> 1 2 3

This function is short (just two lines of code!) but yields a surprisingly rich analysis.

9.2 How can we improve the names?

Firstly, I prefer snake_case to camelCase, so I’d call the function set_names(). Then we need to consider the arguments:

  • I think the first argument, object, would be better called x in order to emphasise that this function only works with vectors (because only vectors have names).

  • The second argument, nm is rather terse, and I don’t see any disadvantage in calling it names. I think you could also argue that it should be called y since its meaning should be obvious from the function name.

This yields:

set_names <- function(x = names, names) {
  names(x) <- names

9.3 What about the default values?

The default values of setNames() are a little hard to understand, because the default value of the first argument is the second argument. It was defined this way to make it possible to name a character vector with itself:

setNames(nm = c("apple", "banana", "cake"))
#>    apple   banana     cake 
#>  "apple" "banana"   "cake"

But that decision leads to a function signature that violates one of the principles of Chapter 7: a required argument comes after an optional argument. Fortunately, we can fix this easily and still preserve the useful ability to name a vector with itself:

set_names <- function(x, names = x) {
  names(x) <- names

set_names(c("apple", "banana", "cake"))
#>    apple   banana     cake 
#>  "apple" "banana"   "cake"

This helps to emphasise that x is the primary argument.

9.4 What about bad inputs?

Now that we’ve considered how the function works with correct inputs, it’s time to consider how it should work with malformed inputs. The current function checks neither the length not the type:

set_names(1:3, "a")
#>    a <NA> <NA> 
#>    1    2    3

set_names(1:3, list(letters[1:3], letters[4], letters[5:6]))
#> c("a", "b", "c")                d      c("e", "f") 
#>                1                2                3

We can resolve this by asserting that the names should always be a character vector, and should have the same length as x:

set_names <- function(x, names = x) {
  if (!is.character(names) || length(names) != length(x)) {
    stop("`names` must be a character vector the same length as `x`.", call. = FALSE)
  names(x) <- names

set_names(1:3, "a")
#> Error: `names` must be a character vector the same length as `x`.
set_names(1:3, list(letters[1:3], letters[4], letters[5:6]))
#> Error: `names` must be a character vector the same length as `x`.

You could also frame this test using vctrs assertions:


set_names <- function(x, names = x) {
  vec_assert(names, ptype = character(), size = length(x))

  names(x) <- names

Note that I slipped in an assertion that x should be a vector. This slightly improves the error message if you accidentally supply the wrong sort of input to set_names():

setNames(mean, 1:3)
#> Error in names(object) <- nm: names() applied to a non-vector
set_names(mean, 1:3)
#> Error: `x` must be a vector, not a function.

Note that we’re simply checking the length of names here, rather than recycling it, i.e. the invariant is vec_size(set_names(x, y)) is vec_size(x), not vec_size_common(x, y). I think this is the correct behaviour because you usually add names to a vector to create a lookup table, and a lookup table is not useful if there are duplicated names. This makes set_names() less general in return for better error messages when you do something suspicious (and you can always use an explicit rep_along() if do want this behaviour.)

9.5 How could we extend this function?

Now that we’ve modified the function so it doesn’t violate the principles in this book, we can think about how we might extend it. Currently the function is only useful for setting names to a constant. Maybe we could extend it to also make it easier to change existing names? One way to do that would be to allow names to be a function:

set_names <- function(x, names = x) {
  if (is.function(names)) {
    names <- names(base::names(x))
  vec_assert(names, ptype = character(), size = length(x))

  names(x) <- names

x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
set_names(x, toupper)
#> A B C 
#> 1 2 3

We could also support anonymous function formula shortcut used in many places in the tidyverse.

set_names <- function(x, names = x) {
  if (is.function(names) || rlang::is_formula(names)) {
    fun <- rlang::as_function(names)
    names <- fun(base::names(x))
  vec_assert(names, ptype = character(), size = length(x))

  names(x) <- names

x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
set_names(x, ~ paste0("x-", .))
#> x-a x-b x-c 
#>   1   2   3

Now set_names() supports overriding and modifying names. What about removing them? It turns out that setNames() supported this, but our stricter checks prohibit:

x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
setNames(x, NULL)
#> [1] 1 2 3
set_names(x, NULL)
#> Error: `names` must be a vector, not NULL.

We can fix this with another clause:

set_names <- function(x, names = x) {
  if (!is.null(names)) {
    if (is.function(names) || rlang::is_formula(names)) {
      fun <- rlang::as_function(names)
      names <- fun(base::names(x))

  names(x) <- names

x <- c(a = 1, b = 2, c = 3)
set_names(x, NULL)
#> [1] 1 2 3

However, I think this has muddied the logic. To resolve it, I think we should pull out the checking code into a separate function. After trying out a few approaches, I ended up with:

check_names <- function(names, x) {
  if (is.null(names)) {
  } else if (vec_is(names)) {
    vec_assert(names, ptype = character(), size = length(x))  
  } else if (is.function(names)) {
    check_names_2(names(base::names(x)), x)
  } else if (rlang::is.formula(names)) {
    check_names_2(rlang::as_function(names), x)
  } else {
    rlang::abort("`names` must be NULL, a function or formula, or a vector")

This then replaces vec_assert() in set_names(). I separate the input checking and implementation with a blank line to help visually group the parts of the function.

set_names <- function(x, names = x) {
  names <- check_names(names, x)
  names(x) <- names

We could simplify the function even further, but I think this is a bad idea becaues it mingles input validation with implementation:

# Don't do this
set_names <- function(x, names = x) {
  names(x) <- check_names(names, x)

# Or even
set_names <- function(x, names = x) {
  `names<-`(vec_assert(x), check_names(names, x))

9.6 Compared to rlang::set_names()

If you’re familiar with rlang, you might notice that we’ve ended up with something rather similar to rlang::set_names(). However, these careful analysis in this chapter has lead to a few differences. rlang::set_names():

  • Calls the second argument nm, instead of something more descriptive. I think this is simply because we never sat down and fully considered the interface.

  • Coerces nm to character vector. This allows rlang::set_names(1:4) to automatically name the vector, but this seems a relatively weak new feature in return for the cost of not throwing an error message if you provide an unsual vector type. (Both lists and data frames have as.character() methods so this will work for basically any type of vector, even if completely inappropriate.)

  • Passes ... on to function nm. I now think that decision was a mistake: it substantially complicates the interface in return for a relatively small investment.